Striped wallpaper is a type of wallpaper used in decoration that is distinguished by presenting a series of parallel lines on the surface, creating a unique visual effect on the walls of the house. This, thinking about its main utility, the walls, although we can also apply it on ceilings, stairs, furniture, and as an accent in a zone or object. Wallpaper is a versatile and economical decoration material that can be used in many creative ways to enhance the look and feel of any space in the home.
When choosing striped wallpaper, it is important to consider the scale of the stripes in relation to the size of the room. Wider stripes can work well in large rooms, while narrower stripes may be more suitable for smaller rooms, like the Siro model from Equipo DRT collection. It is also important to consider the combination of colors in the stripes. Contrasting colors can create a striking effect, while softer tones can create a more relaxing atmosphere. In addition to the pattern and colors of the stripes, striped wallpaper can be very versatile, as it can be used to create a more classic or modern environment.
Stripes on wallpaper can be vertical or horizontal, playing with widths and combined colors. How to choose one or the other? Vertical stripes, which extend vertically along the wall, can help create the illusion of height in a room and can be especially effective in rooms with low ceilings. However, horizontal stripes, that is, those that extend horizontally along the wall, can be useful in creating the illusion of width in a room, highly recommended in narrow rooms.
We can also find stripes with other arrangements such as diagonal, wider or narrower. Diagonal stripes always arouse interest and movement, a good option for accent walls. Narrow stripes usually work well in small rooms or in spaces where a discreet effect is desired. While stripes that are thicker and can have a more dramatic effect on the decoration of the room, are better for large rooms and open spaces.
Yes, the color of striped wallpaper can influence how we perceive the stripes on the wall. Colors have different psychological effects on our mood and visual perception, so the choice of stripe color can affect how the room looks overall.
For example, black and white stripes can create a strong and elegant contrast effect, while pastel stripes can create a softer and more relaxing atmosphere. Stripes in dark shades such as navy blue or black can make a room seem smaller and cozier, while stripes in light tones such as white or light gray can make a room seem larger and more spacious.
In addition, warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow can create a feeling of energy and warmth, while cool colors such as blue and green can have a more relaxing and refreshing effect.
Did you know that...?
Wallpaper originated in China, around the 2nd century BC, when it began to be used to decorate walls with hand-drawn designs.
The first European wallpaper was produced in the 16th century in Germany, but its use was limited to the wealthiest homes due to its high cost.
During the 18th century, wallpaper became a common element in interior decoration in Europe and became especially popular in France.
In the 19th century, technological advances allowed for mass production of wallpaper, making it more affordable and popular worldwide.
In the 1960s, wallpaper experienced a resurgence in popularity, especially in psychedelic patterns and bright colors.
The Cooper Hewitt Museum of Art in New York has a collection of over 10,000 wallpapers, spanning from the 18th century to the present day.